
CUHK-Shenzhen SME Alumni Website Launch on May 16 Notice 香港中文大学(深圳)经管学院校友网站5月16日上线通知










·           活动信息:版块将展示各类校友活动,方便校友了解与参与


·           校友专享:该板块作为母校为校友提供持续服务的平台,涵盖职业发展相关服务(职位招聘信息、一对一咨询等)、线上学习、母校其它资源信息等


·           校友联络:校友可在此更新个人信息,并查找各类校友组织与校友信息,拓展个人关系网络。(注意,只有更新了个人信息后,才可以查询其他校友信息)


·           校友分享:经管学院校友事务中心会以访谈的形式在这里与大家分享校友的经历与感悟。


·           支持我们:我们欢迎在职校友以校友、伙伴、导师的身份参与到经管学院校友事务中心的相关活动中,用自己的成功经验为学弟学妹引路。








成功注册者均可到经管学院校友事务中心办公室(教学楼A 532-534)领取一份经管校友专属纪念品。


领取时间May 16-17 3:00-5:00pm

领取地点TA 532-534





Dear 2019 Graduates and Alumni,


With the development of SME, more and more graduates joined in our alumni family. In order to strengthen the connection between SME alumni, and link them to the school, we proudly announce that SME Alumni Website is officially launched.


The website was developed by SME Alumni Affairs, which plays a vital role in alumni communication and future career development. It is also beneficial to the development of SME and CUHK-Shenzhen. We also encourage alumni to build different alumni associations which can be shared on the website.


SME Alumni Website mainly contains the following five sections:


·           Event Information: This section will share information of alumni events.


·           Exclusive Service for Alumni: This is an on-going service platform for alumni, which includes career development services (e.g. recruitment information, one-on-one counseling service), online learning materials and other resources provided by CUHK-Shenzhen.


·           Alumni Contacts: Alumni can search for the information of different alumni associations and fellow alumni to participate in different events or build up personal and professional relationship


·           Alumni talks: SME Alumni Affairs will invite alumni to share their valuable experience and learnings


·           Support Us:  Alumni could be our partner in career development programs as a mentor, speaker, etc.



The website is officially launched now. You can simply click the following link and register on the website.


Website Link: http://sme-alumni.cuhk.edu.cn/zh-hans

User account: Student ID

Passcode: Same with email account


An exclusive gift can be collected in SME Alumni Affairs Office (TA 532-534) after successful registration.


Collection Date and Time: May 16-17 3:00-5:00pm

Venue: TA 532-534

Warm Reminder: If you need to collect gift by your classmates, please make sure register in advance. Since we will base on backend data to distribute gift.


If you need your classmate to collect your gift, please make sure to register in advance.  The gift distribution will be based on the list.